Linkedin in Arabic
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Linkedin in Arabic now launched

Considering that Arabic is spoken by nearly 200 million professionals in the MENA region and the fact that the language is an essential part of business here, it’s surprising that it’s taken this long for Linked In to launch an Arabic version of its website. It’s been live for a few months now and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

We logged into the website and were pleased to see that it was just as easy to navigate as its English counterpart. It’s also designed to cater to the first-time user who may not be familiar with what the professional social network is all about. Pretty much all of the questions we had could be answered by the FAQ tool.

we have also noticed that more and more companies and organisations in the UAE are launching profiles and pages on the Arabic site. Not only is it a great way for them to connect employers in the region and abroad with qualified Arabic speakers, but it’s also a way for millions of youth to keep tabs on what types of opportunities exist in the job market and help them in their professional journey.

It may also prove to be an important tool for bridging the Arabic content gap. When it comes to localised information that’s relevant to professionals in this part of the world, our choices are limited. However, when you narrow down that group to Arabic-speaking users, the market gap gets even bigger. As the number of users joining the website continues to grow, it’s only a matter of time before the platform becomes a window of opportunity for both professionals and businesses alike.

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